Ice Cream and screaming children

Let's face it , sometimes, I know being a married mom of 6, I can get distracted in the day to day with of course kids none the less.That's why this blog was created.It's a blog / message board /vent station / tip giving / confidant / therapist and's a "I'm not the only one too" site.....Ice cream and screaming children.

Highlights Catalog

Monday, October 09, 2006

When I was pregnant I was spoiled beyond belief.People would would give up their seats for me or let me have that extra sample at the grocery store.But now since having my last of 6 children...I get pampered alright..I'm the first one to be told that one of my children just pushed another child down at the playground, or when one of my children decides to sneeze on my first other than their dad.Does this happen to you?


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